The annihilation of life
A hope emerges from the cloud of despair, the progeny of evil is good and the good spawns evil, thereby nullifying the effect. ‘The life of pie’ injected a thought into my mind, “what ever the island gave at day it took away at night”. For some time I marveled at its sheer universality. In fact we all are trapped on that island, we are a bizarre experiment of nature trapped into law of conservation of energy and there is no way out of this circle. No wonder people have always been mesmerized by circle. The wheel, arguably the most important invention of mankind is a circle, the most popular irrational number “pi” is circumference by radius, the main weapon of most powerful Hindu god Vishnu “sudharshan chakra” is again a circle. The gift of life is not a gift but rather a loan which we have to pay with our demise; the nature takes back what it created. Bad becomes worse, the law of entropy.
So that is it, created out of nothing and then being retransformed into nothing seems like the ultimate fate of humanity. What a waste! Like a crazy Schrödinger’s cat, evolution involved us into its dirty game by simultaneously blessing and cursing us with “consciousness”. Consciousness gave us the opportunity to break out of the programmed state of just birth, death and reproduction. We got a chance to appreciate the life, search for its meaning, which by the way is 42 (only those who have read Hitchhiker’s guide to galaxy will get it!) and alter what nature intended us to do, we got the free will but at the end of the day “consciousness” kind of like the character in a movie that you know will become the villain in end but desperately hold on until the climax wishing that it is untrue, causes the final blow. After all the hopes, changes and free will at last “consciousness” makes us realize the futility of it. With death all the experience, the knowledge, everything we learned and all the memory that we cherished dies with us into complete nothingness. Whether we die as an infant or an old man the effect on the infinite universe is only infinitesimal. The life continues with death, if we have left a segment of our gene to continue from where we left off our job here is done, but why is the job done? I don’t have the answer, does anyone?
So that is it, created out of nothing and then being retransformed into nothing seems like the ultimate fate of humanity. What a waste! Like a crazy Schrödinger’s cat, evolution involved us into its dirty game by simultaneously blessing and cursing us with “consciousness”. Consciousness gave us the opportunity to break out of the programmed state of just birth, death and reproduction. We got a chance to appreciate the life, search for its meaning, which by the way is 42 (only those who have read Hitchhiker’s guide to galaxy will get it!) and alter what nature intended us to do, we got the free will but at the end of the day “consciousness” kind of like the character in a movie that you know will become the villain in end but desperately hold on until the climax wishing that it is untrue, causes the final blow. After all the hopes, changes and free will at last “consciousness” makes us realize the futility of it. With death all the experience, the knowledge, everything we learned and all the memory that we cherished dies with us into complete nothingness. Whether we die as an infant or an old man the effect on the infinite universe is only infinitesimal. The life continues with death, if we have left a segment of our gene to continue from where we left off our job here is done, but why is the job done? I don’t have the answer, does anyone?
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