A Little Talk with Brittany "Elvissparrow" - writer of "Eleanor Snape" series
Harry Potter has touched lives of millions. It has
influenced our way of thinking and imagination. It is a fashion now - writing
fanfictions and more than fashion it is a way of keeping them alive in our memories.
The “Eleanor Snape” is one of the most popular fanfictions
today. With total views of 222830, 6 books, 337 parts and 3400 votes, its
Author, Brittany “elvissparrow” has a huge fan following.
Despite her busy schedule, she managed to have a little chat
with us.
Q1) What is Harry Potter to you?
Harry Potter to Me is both a fun story to read, a piece of literature
that teaches life lessons, and a way to unite people around the world and make
new friends. I actually made a good friend of mine - the half blood princess-
because of Harry Potter. She writes the "Lucy Snape" Series. Anyway,
I guess you could call it a lifestyle. Oh and you being a guy that made the “sexy
Bellatrix”, it makes more sense! (Laughs)
Q2) Well, Helena is sexy! And umm, who is your favorite
character in Harry Potter series; and why?
I love Severus, even when everyone thought he was bad. Also Neville,
because he is kick-butt (although, I loved him when he was small and innocent,
too). And Umbridge, because I feel I am destined to be her: My favourite Colour
is pink, I have Curly brown hair, I don't like kids, and I Love cats!
Q3) Seriously, Umbridge! Well, you must not tell lies. What is your favorite line in HP series and
My favourite line is when Voldemort Says "Join Me"
in Deathly Hollows, and Neville Says ''I'll join you When hell freezes
over!" It gave me chills!
Q3) Hmm, great! You have been writing Eleanor Snape quite
well. What is a fanfiction according to you?
Fanfiction is any story that is based on an existing story.
It's a way to make it your own or tell your version of the tale.
Q4) Cool! And how did this Eleanor Snape strike your head?
Well, my friend told me about something called
"fanfiction" and I asked him what it was. Then it just kind of.... came.
Sometimes when I got writers block, my cousin, (his wattpad is lcdstudios)
helped me, but most of the time it just comes to me. Like when I had to kill
off scabior, I was upset. Someone told me "why don't you just make him alive?",
and I told them it doesn't work that way. It just kind of writes itself in my
mind, I just put it in paper.
Q5) Hmm more like Rowling huh! And lastly, how are my fanfictions?
I haven't read any of yours yet- typically, I don't read on
Wattpad. I'm Sorry. I will try to get to it, but I'm not making any guarantees.
I'm a busy person. Between band (marching and concert), orchestra, theatre, chorus,
4H, getting ready for college, 3
advanced placement classes, and writing my own fanfiction, I bareley have time!
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