It was the most pleasant day -- a day I had long awaited and
that for a reason which was not so apparent to me till the time came, and when
it came, it answered all the questions (and that at once), like an amiable
flood that enriches a soil, I had or perhaps, I would ever have, a special
something I had only been guessing and now the day had come that offered all
the answers, oh yes, and do not take it as my prejudice, oh please do not, or
take it as extremely hilarious, for I had no intentions for the same -- it was
truly magical, an unanticipated event that I had been waiting, good lord am I talking
funny, forgive me if I am, but it is true oh yes, it was when I felt I was
terribly wasted in middle of the sun, and then it came, how good is that, it
came and it opened like the pages of the book waiting to be read; it spoke to
me in the most gentle way - the way the waves tease the shore, oh am I being
romantic; tell me if I am, for I do not wish to be a victim, oh wait, I am the
victim; alas, god save me from this beautiful torture, the grief I carefully
desire to not overlook, the pain I wish to not flee away from; is this me who
is writing, oh dear lord, yes, pathetic of me, I agree, but you know, my dear
friends, how hopeless I was by the persistence of its vision in my mind, it
came and stayed and shall stay forever.
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