I was sitting in the pavement of our shop sunbasking. A
man had just finished refurbishing the pavements with a bright yellow and a
glossy black border. These pavements though frequently used, were hardly
noticed by people. But today the pavements look eye-catching. No one could
ignore noticing these bright colors zooming in front of them while they walk
through the long pavements.
At the end of the day, though the marking where those few people stepped stood dingy and charmless, we could save the rest as fresh and bright.
It seemed like the
smell of fresh paint and its brightness has lightened the mood around. Every
pedestrian were wearing a smile while they passed by.
Sitting back I could
observe every details of the work of the man. How perfectly he had bordered the
pavements with a black and a yellow, again a black and then again a yellow
paint…Each space equally measured and filled.
The bright paint looked beautiful yet so delicate that even
a faint touch would tarnish it easily.
Then came a heavy
man with huge boots walking in a heavy thump and carelessly stepped on the
spotless black marking walked away. Had he not noticed the wet enamel? Anger
etched in every corner of my face. May be the person beside me noticed my
twisted face too. But neither of us spoke. Then followed another person,
carefree, stepped on it. With dusty footprints on it, the black topping no
longer looked attractive. And again three people at a time came; I was sure
they would step on the marking too. I felt a hot surge of anger. I stoop up
from my chair, grabbed the hand of nearest person among those three and as
politely as I could (though my insides were burning), asked them to take
another way.
They smiled. I felt relieved.
“This is a great idea”, somebody called from behind.
Petrified, I remained still. More than one person happened to have noticed me
asking those people to take a different way.
Throughout the day, either one or the other person from the
shops around volunteered to stay back and ask the pedestrians to take another
At the end of the day, though the marking where those few people stepped stood dingy and charmless, we could save the rest as fresh and bright.
It happened. A small step forward from us (me here),
inspired the other few to follow me, and we could at least save some part of our
neighborhood. So when you feel there’s something you need to do, don’t
hesitate, just move forward.
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