Better imagination for better understanding
Imagination, as told before, is the most precious treasure of human mind. But its stimulation needs somewhat homework. Imagination works well when you are seriously interested in what you are trying to do. The latter implies that you need to have a sound desire in your work. There are some cases in which we ‘want’ to be interested in something. That’s rubbish! (May not be true!) You are allocated certain ‘field’ and you are interested only there; the only headache is ‘you have to search it’ and believe me that’s quite easy.
Imagining is quite effective if you produce your own. Most of us feel lazy to explore in our imaginative world. That’s ridiculous! It’s the simplest and the most effective task to do in this planet. In fact, every effective thing is simple.
Man with good interest in any subject matter needs no technique. But sometimes things do no go as expected and giving up seems the easiest thing to do. But that is not the thing; giving up is not the spirit of the soldier. Based on my understanding, I have highlighted a few aspects of human imagination which, to me, are the most important aspect of the same.
The best imagination comes, knowingly or unknowingly, with dual personality participation. You speak with yourself and sometimes speak with ‘you’, i.e. the next you by your side. This gradually (mark my word) gives rise to the phenomenon called ‘autosuggestion’. It is so powerful that, if trained well, it takes away your filthy habits and plays monumental role to make you a disciplined guy. Isn’t that all what you need? But let me amaze you further: the best of the crimes are also due to the best auto suggestion. But what I can suggest is: be positive.
This part of imagination ‘autosuggestion’ helps to explain the fantastic quality of human brain; human brain is like stream: you create your way and water will follow that way. Brain is very loyal, it obeys whatever you say. Now this ‘saying’ comes from the same brain, so I say: we have a parent brain and a child brain: Parent brain suggests and child brain obeys. Just you have to do is ‘honestify’ your parent brain. That is why good education is so very important.
Now the second and last part for this paper is what we call ‘private interview’. It involves imaginative dialogue between you and people whom you admire, irrespective of their existence. The beautiful part is that you don’t have to wait for stage! You can do this while you are walking, reading, being scolded and so on. Believe me, it gives a huge confidence. You are not getting physics? Come on man, be smart; call Professor Einstein. He is eagerly waiting for you! This is also a good pill to take if you are alone. And once you ‘truly’ get into it, you don’t want to get out of it. Trust this idiot; it will improve your ideas. I was really surprised (later) when I realized how cool I was even in those conditions when I should not have been such thing like ‘cool’. But I loved it and I reckon you will love it as well. But that is very small part of what you are going to get. Join the ‘imagination club’ and feel the difference!!
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