It has not been too long since I have known Happiness is pursuited, love is bought and bla bla bla. What kind of world is this and what kind of thing I am? I am illusioned by everything, every non-things, and every other ‘things’ that encircle me. Sometimes I get extremely scared, my heart tries to escape; it seeks freedom. It seems as if I am trapped, never to set free. I feel jealous when I see birds flying; they have no ‘system’, they have no ‘rules’, they are free and I want to be free. Everyone should be free.
I love negativism. I love to use vulgar words. May be it’s because I don’t stammer using those ‘precious’ words. But I am bad because ‘rest’s are good … I don’t care. I have my world; set of formulae, something like equations. If anyone fits in there it’s okay; if they don’t, I don’t care. But ‘they’ care and I don’t know why. I don’t know why those civilized fools not seek permission before talking about me.
I am in search of something; something meaningful, something filled with reasons. I am in search of ‘true’ society with ‘true’ people, people who are just them, people who are not ‘mixtures’, people who are genuine. I want to recreate mankind, recreate civilizations; where everything is good (with respect to me), everything is meaningful and everything is just ‘everything’ and nothing else.........................................
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