Dreams – Are they supernatural?

The finite human mind is escorted by the infinite intelligence, which can embrace every possibly and most importantly, impossible things through its special unit, termed as imagination. Dream, the second world where Mr Impossible exists nowhere, is a part of extreme human imagination - unexplainable human imagination, making complete interpretation of which is really incomplete and equally strenuous. Whatever reasons science may hypothesize, dreams are something full of illusions and that, the topic which we are going to deal with i.e. ‘supernaturality of dreams,’ is more than just illusionous.

Dream surpasses the reality, inverts the frame of time and allows the individual to expect the unexpected. Dreams are the consequences of the unfulfilled desires – including extreme love, extreme hatred, hypertension and other psychological and unconscious factors. Dream itself is mysterious and when the mysterious term ‘supernatural’ prefixes the very word ‘dream’, the phrase grows extremely darkening and mystifying. The common thing is that both words do not carry concrete physical explanations or justifications. So the burning question (of our class!) is “Are they supernatural?”

Majority of my votes go for ‘NO.’ When we sleep, undoubtedly we dream. The phenomenon of dreaming is something we are extremely familiar with. Every night one wishes to dream where he can enjoy the darker half of his day in the other world where He is important. A beggar begs 12 hours a day but rest half of his day is spent in the biggest houses ever constructed with finest of the supplies! I meant to say that dreams, on most of the occasions, are slaves of our senses but what about supernature? Supernature is that world where, I say, even the finest of the imaginations fail to reach. They are arbitrarily believed to be the hyper-imaginative world where the natural and physical laws carry zero significance. Well, however strange it may be, dreams are the resultant of human imagination and the same infinite intelligence, those bizarre aspects which we virtually explain nicer than we do the same for explainable aspects!

‘Dreams can not be supernatural.’ The statement does not imply that supernatural things may not occur in our dreams. They are theoretically ‘natural.’ Our minds are so much well developed that they have already figured out the unfigurable supernature, in the respective and unique methods. Dreaming a strangling ghost does not make the dreams unnatural. I once happened to sail across the heaven in ‘Jannet travels and tours’! But that does not satisfy the same supernatural interpretation of dream as that expected by the title of our discussion. Supernature for the modern world has turned out to be a huge prank and really illogical idea.

But if we peep through the lines of the story “Recurring dream”, our concept may tremble. The kind of outline that the story has provided, had forced me to entitle some dreams as a supernatural element, the weirdest thing ever possible. But a week long research, short though it may be, has helped me a lot in proving that the cases of unusual and continuous dreams are of practical impossibility. They are extremely illogical and impractical; afterall it’s the beauty of literature. Had it been logical, it wouldn’t be so much fascinating as it is right now and had it been practical, it wouldn’t be so amusing and as for me “trembling”!

To sum my thoughts up, dreams are purely natural and prefixing it with super is nothing more than a mere useless jumble.    


  1. awesome....bring it in the classroom in the printed form...u gona tell it in the class


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